A study discovers a new HIV subtype, first since 2000

Researchers have discovered a new subtype of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) called HIV-1 Group M, subtype L which is the first time a subtype of HIV has been found in almost two decades. The researchers from the multinational pharmaceutical company Abott used a tailored method of the next-generation genome sequencing technology to identify the new subtype — an advance showing how this technology is helping scientists stay one stepRead More

Daily Current Affairs GK for UPSC Civil Services and other exams – 19th July 2018

Daily Current Affairs GK For UPSC Civil Services and other competitive exams in India . The Hindu Current Affairs News Capsule and analysis – 19th July 2018 Below is the today’s Daily Current Affairs news capsule i.e. Current Affairs Gk for 19th July 2018. The main news items for 19th July 2018 in short and crisp form with all the relevant information to prepare the current affairs for various exams. No ConfidenceRead More