The Uttarakhand High Court has appointed itself as the legal guardian of cows in the Uttarakhand state.
Uttarakhand has given this judgement recently.
It has also issued some directions to the state government in this regard.
Tag: Judiciary
India is observing National Moth Week from July 21 to July 29 The National Moth Week encourages people to observe and document moths in backyards and neighbourhoods. India is among the 40 countries in which citizen scientists and enthusiasts will be documenting insects What is the main aim of National moth Week? To increase the awareness about the insects When and Where was the National Moth Week started? Scientists ofRead More
Arguments made for and against castration as an additional form of punishment for rapists and child sex abusers: Rape/Sexual Abuse is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable in a modern civilized society . The judiciary came up with a statement for implementing castration as a punishment in rape cases. Castration means either removing testicles (physically) in males or making it dysfunctional by the use of chemicals. Arguments in Favour of Castration as Punishment:Read More