Rs 50 crore will be spent on development works in six panchayats under the National Rural Mission (NRUM) in Mandi district. The main focus will be on to develop water facility, pedestrian paths, roads, sewerage facility besides other things like solid and liquid waste management. Till now Rs 4.5 crore has been released for the work. ABOUT NRUM The National Rural Mission (NRUM) carried on by the Ministry for RuralRead More
Tag: Mandi
Mandi hosted the two day International Conference on Management of Natural Resources for Socio- Economic Development of Western Ghats. Govind Singh Thakur (Forest Minister) was the Chief Guest at the conference held in Vallabh Government College, Mandi . The Minister while addressing the media focused on the importance of management of natural resources for socio-economic development besides stating that the state aims at increasing the land under forest area uptoRead More